Morningstar: aandeel in de kijker is Boeing Co (8/4/2014)

Boeing's immense $441 billion backlog provides cushion in uncertain times.

Risk-taking has been a hallmark at Boeing, and the revolutionary 787 returns the company to that historical culture. While the plane's cost overruns, supply chain issues, and grounding by the Federal Aviation Administration have caused anxiety among investors, we think the product will be a long-term winner. Moreover, the 737 re-engine allows the company to strengthen its balance sheet and regain market share as it ponders the development of other aircraft variants. The company operates in a commercial aircraft duopoly with Airbus--a market that Boeing estimates at $4.5 trillion (34,000 aircraft with 14,300 replacements) during the next 20 years—even as rivals in Canada and China seek to take a slice of this pie.

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